Sunday, October 31, 2010

Generating UML Diagramns with Maven

  1. Install Graphviz. After installation confirm that it is part of your PATH.
  2. Configure your maven pom files to make sure that you can get to the following repository: because it has the second piece of the puzzle, the binaries for UMLGraph. You can see all the options for use in <additionalparam/> here.
  3. To generate UML diagrams as part of the "mvn javadoc:javadoc" command, add the following (+/-) to your pom.xml file's <build/> section.
  4. To generate UML diagrams as part of the "mvn site" command, add the following (+/-) to your pom.xml file's <reporting/> section.
  5. That's it, you should now be reaping the benefits as your javadocs will have UML diagrams inside each class's landing page. I used the following post to put all this info together:


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